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World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing
Crawford County, Kansas

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The Honor List of Dead and Missing for Crawford County, Kansas is published by the War Department for the information of public officials, the press, the radio and interested organizations. It contains the latest and most complete data available on all military personnel who were killed or died, or became and remained missing, between the President's declaration of unlimited national emergency on May 27, 1941, and the cut-off data of this report, January 31, 1946, and includes both battle and non-battle dead or missing. The complete work, of which this volume is a part, contains about 300,000 names of men and women who gave their lives while serving in the Army of the United States.


NameSerial NumberGradeType of Casualty
Albergucci, Louie NMI37725773PVTKIA
Albertson, Henry F.37539174S SGKIA
Baker, James J.37735283PVTFOD
Ball, Robert C.020709242 LTDNB
Barkell, Colin F.0-7083881 LTKIA
Bayles, J. H. Jr.37538351CPLDNB
Bazin, Lawrence L.0-7811731 LTKIA
Bellamy, Roy E.0-7022202 LTFOD
Benner, Ernest P.37148121SGTKIA
Birkinsha, Raymond E.37731429PVTKIA
Blackett, George R.37519785PVTKIA
Blackett, William R.37540127PVTKIA
Blasor, Woodrow W.37731441PVTKIA
Blessant, Lewis37237143TEC5KIA
Bogle, Howard J.17075165S SGKIA
Bowen, Eugene J.37743357PFCKIA
Bradshaw, Charles H.37516270CPLKIA
Brann, Edmond D.37214428PFCDOW
Butler, Marvin W.0-7420601 LTFOD
Caldwell, Wilbur L.37141420TEC4KIA
Callaway, George W.37539140TEC4KIA
Cheney, Marine W.17121760S SGKIA
Costello, Francis L.17020678PVTDNB
Crites, Andrew I.37154656S SGKIA
Cronister, Edward M.37723623PVTKIA
Curtis, Louis H.37157316CPLKIA
Daniels, Hubert E.0-7740482 LTDNB
Davis, Clarence H.37217173SGTKIA
Diggs, Victor B.37246533PFCKIA
Dougherty, Hugh Jr.0-7373742 LTKIA
Dover, William E.37722546PFCKIA
Duensing, William A.37217373PFCKIA
Ellis, Dale H.37738590PFCKIA
Evans, Frank W.37217215T SGDNB
Faucett, Jean37232823PFCDNB
Fowler, John W.37226524S SGKIA
Francis, Frank Jr.37155405TEC5KIA
Genisio, John A.37218987S SGKIA
Gilbert, Robert M.37535869PFCKIA
Ginardi, Albert36043655SGTDNB
Gold, James T.T-133522FL ODNB
Hall, Noel37495376TEC5KIA
Hamilton, Walter B. Jr.37215329S SGDNB
Hammerton, Harry F.37204440CPLKIA
Hampton, Edwin W.0-5533411 LTKIA
Harbort, William37742866PVTKIA
Hartong, Robert R.37532241SGTKIA
Helm, Lon M.17015502S SGDNB
Hoover, Oliver R.37375989CPLDNB
Hopper, Albert J.37501598PFCKIA
Hough, John T.17161095SGTDNB
Howard, George F.6936803PFCKIA
Huge, Charles W.6554256PFCKIA
Jenkinson, Arthur17019633SGTDNB
Jenkinson, Melvin L.0-7402032 LTDNB
Kasiah, William J.37002383PFCDNB
Kime, Benton M.37739500PVTFOD
Kinsch, Norman L.17061811AV GDNB
Klein, Clair A.37525528TEC5DNB
La Force, Melville C.0-307200CAPTKIA
Lance, Lawrence W.37746450PVTKIA
Lewis, William H. Jr.37147802PFCKIA
Lindsay, Robert M.0-429960CAPTDNB
Lucas, Joseph A.17159504T SGFOD
Mangile, Venanzio37721115PFCKIA
Mann, Boyd V.0-4311082 LTDNB
Mapes, Reuben B.37512276PVTKIA
Mariucci, Joseph P.37725306PVTKIA
Martin, Edward J.37510042PVTDNB
Martin, Raymond E.37742862PFCKIA
McClellan, Frank A.37255138PFCDOW
McDaniel, Ralph E.0-7636962 LTKIA
McGrew, Richard S.17019801CPLKIA
McGuire, John W.37753271PFCDOW
McWilliams, W. H.17020385CPLDNB
McWilliams, Irwin K.0-225757CAPTDNB
Miller, Melvin E.19066442S SGFOD
Million, Clarence W.0-7695201 LTDNB
Milward, Jack I.37538424S SGKIA
Minnick, Clyde37144678PFCKIA
Montgomery, Ernest W.17044641CPLDNB
Morrison, Bob E.19014778CPLKIA
Mullin, Cyril J.17020816SGTKIA
Oertle, Paul C.37729381PFCKIA
Papen, Robert G.17061713CPLDNB
Parsons, Wilbur F.0-6745161 LTKIA
Pennell, Edward E.0-7514222 LTDNB
Peppers, C. J.37721163S SGKIA
Piccini, Parigi P.37000092SGTDNB
Pinter, Joe L. Jr.39074259PFCKIA
Ramey, James A.17120683SGTDNB
Renfro, Norman E. Jr.37508649S SGKIA
Rogers, Doyle H.37498799S SGDNB
Rogers, Gerald O.37750172PFCDNB
Roycroft, Horace M.0-7542052 LTKIA
Sayre, Alonzo H.37241931TEC4KIA
Sayre, John K.37518449PFCKIA
Schreppel, Joe37202639S SGFOD
Schultz, Harold L.37000701T SGDOW
Shankles, Leslie E.37241407PFCFOD
Silvers, Bernie B.37002254SGTKIA
Skinner, Harry L.019980722 LTKIA
Snow, Joseph K.37749944PFCKIA
Spicer, Joseph F.0-6737502 LTKIA
Sponsel, Theodore F.37017029PFCKIA
Stewart, Raymond W.37750413PVTKIA
Stover, Robert E.0-6613921 LTKIA
Strukel, John35282729CPLKIA
Taylor, Cecil J.17072722S SGKIA
Telck, John F.37210871PVTKIA
Terflinger, Robert F.37494521TEC5KIA
Thomas, Joseph C.0-8033081 LTFOD
Urban, John J.37744790PVTDNB
Verga, Santo37202525PVTKIA
Vilmer, John R.37017433SGTKIA
Wade, Lyle A.37246386PFCKIA
Weytkow, Joseph37202632SGTKIA
Wieland, Joe L.0-6918442 LTKIA
Willingham, William F.17058747PFCKIA
Wilson, James E.37509025PFCKIA
Wilson, Warren G.37540133PFCDNB
Wright, Jesse E.37012678TEC5KIA
Zafuta, Paul V.37529741PFCKIA