New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Christian County, Missouri

January 1, 1883

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1883 Christian County, Missouri List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
46,911Abbott, William Sr.Spartaw. l. lung2.66 2/3Aug, 1865
198,558Adamson, Thomas B.Billingsg. s. w. lower jaw$2.00Dec. 1881
77,789Alt, JohnBillingsInj. to ab. & ch. diarr$6.00-
201,802Beal, James M.Billingsg. s. w. lft. leg$2.00Jan. 1882
126,873Blades, James R.Billingsg. s. w. rt. leg & thigh$8.00Feb. 1874
97,479Bledsoe, NancyBillingsWidow$8.00Aug. 1867
105,522Carver, ChristianOzerkmother$8.00Feb. 1869
25,259Carver, LaonySpartawidow$8.00-
94,160Collier, John P.Ozerkheart dis$8.00-
143,640Cox, NancyHighlandvillemother$8.00July 1870
75,725Davis, Nancy J.Billingswidow$8.00Sept. 1867
185,939Dimock, William J.Billingsch. diar$6.00-
193,390Ervin, Jackson E.Billingsg. s. w. lft arm$4.00July 1881
15,682Foster, ElizabethOzerkwidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
126,994Gardner, Aaron B.Billingsdis. eyes$24.00-
27,175Gideon, JaneHighlandvillewidow$8.00-
182,666Gideon, LethiaHighlandvillewidow$8.00Dec. 1878
18,227Gideon, MalindaHighlandvillewidow$8.00-
149,110Guiger, Nimrod P.Nixag. s. w. lft. forearm$1.00Nov. 1877
26,417Guiger, Sarah A.Nixawidow 1812$8.00Aug. 1879
162,813Harris, FrancesHighlandvillemother$8.00Oct. 1873
91,675Holmes, William C.Kentonwd. l. arm$8.00-
187,424Houghland, Benj. F.Ozerkdis. lungs$12.00Apr. 1881
86,635Hudson, PhilanderOzerkg. s. w. rt. hand$2.00Oct. 1867
107,889Hull, JohnOzerkinjury to abdomen$6.00-
103,058Inman, SarahNixamother$8.00Nov. 1867
68,550Martin, NathanielHighlandvillemutilation both feet$8.00July 1866
134,042McGuire, ElizabethBillingsWidow$8.00Sept. 1869
186,438Mercer, CanadaEaudeviedis. lungs & deafness rt. ear$6.00Apr. 1881
118,662Monger, Margaret A. M.Kentonwidow$8.00Sept. 1868
96,433Paine, William H.Billingswds. thighs$7.50Mar. 1869
43,786Payne, AbrahamHighlandvillewd rt hip$8.00-
118,713Payne, ElizabethOzerkwidow$8.00Sept. 1868
116,101Pendergrass, MarthaBillingswidow$8.00-
57,475Phillips, JosiahNixawd. rt. arm$10.00-
221,300Pierce, Eli W.Ozerkg. s. w. lft. arm near shoulder$2.00Nov. 1882
55,455Polland, William H.Ozerkg. s. w. lft. leg$18.00-
126,915Pope, David W.Billingsg. s. w. lft side$7.50Feb. 1874
27,830Roberts, MatildaBostonwidow 1812$8.00Nov. 1879
12,309Rogers, MaryKentonwidow 1812$8.00Nov. 1878
82,978Shepherd, John O.Ozerkloss l. hand$18.00-
96,329Sink, StephenNixag. s. w. rt. leg$8.00-
127,288Stout, William H.Ozerkch. bronchitis$12.00-
91,935Thompson, Isaac A.Bostoncaries of sternum$6.00-
119,266Tripp, Martha J.Velsorwidow$8.00Sept. 1868
179,496Turner, ThirzahBillingsmother$8.00Dec. 1877
26,212Viles, Jane E.Highlandvillewidow$8.00-
98,453Wade, ElizaOzerkmother$8.00-
55,612Walker, KisiahHighlandvillewidow$8.00-
181,886Walker, William J.Billingschr. rheum. & heart dis$12.00Jan. 1881
46,178Wilson, Nancy A.Nixawidow$8.00-
157,024Wright, GeorgeBillingsg. s. w. lft. shoulder$2.00-

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