Chelsea Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850
Surnames M
Transcribed by Lynn Tooley
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Births in the Town of Chelsea, Suffolk County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Chelsea Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850 - Surnames M
- MABURY (see Mayberry, Maybury)
- MABURY, Charles W., June 10, 1812. G.R.3.
- MACARTNIE, Lillie, June 25, 1822. G.R.3.
- MacCLELLAN (see McLellan)
- MacCLELLAN, Eliza, ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- MacCLELLAN, William, ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MACCURDINS, Abraham, s. of ----, from Ireland, bp. ----, 1727. C.R.1.
- MACDONALD (see McDonald, McDonnald)
- MACDONALD, Asa T. N., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, Charles F., Dr., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, Edward, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, Elizabeth C., Sept. 8, 1825. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, Emma G. F., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, James, Dr., ----, 1833. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, Jeremiah, May 9, 1822. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, John, Capt., Jan. 4, 1847. C.R.4.
- MACDONALD, John B., June 11, 1838. G.R.3.
- MACDONALD, Mary J., Feb. 14, 1827. G.R.3.
- MacINNESS, Neil, ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- MACKAY (see McKay)
- MACKAY, Carl A., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MACKENZIE (see McKenzie)
- MACKENZIE, Daniel, ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MACKENZIE, Harriet A. [----], w. of James G., Sept. 30, 1841. G.R.3.
- MACKENZIE, James G., Sept. 21, 1833. G.R.3.
- MACKENZIE, John, ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- MACKENZIE, Louisa A. [----], w. of ----, and mother of Louisa F. Lucius, Sept. 14, 1835. G.R.3.
- MACKINTOSH, Margaret Forsyth [----], w. of Alexander, Mar. 10, 1825. G.R.3.
- MACNEIL (see McNeil)
- MACNEIL, John C., Nov. 17, 1825. G.R.3.
- MACY, Lydia C., d. of James S. and Sophronia, May 30, 1849.
- MAGEE, Caroline S. [----], w. of Edward, ----, 1826. G.R.4.
- MAGEE, Daniel, Oct. 31, 1833. G.R.3.
- MAGEE, E. Augustus, ----, 1847. G.R.4.
- MAGEE, Edward, ----, 1823. G.R.4.
- MAGEE, Eleanor M. [----], w. of John, ----, 1827. G.R.3.
- MAGEE, George, ----, 1809. G.R.3.
- MAGEE, John, ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- MAGEE, Lizzie, ----, 1845. G.R.4.
- MAGEE, Thomas, ----, 1786. G.R.3.
- MAGIN, Andrew J., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MAGNUS, Andrew A., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MAGONAGELL, Hugh, s. of Hugh and Susan, Aug. 9, 1845.
- MAGOUN, Angeline, Nov. 23, 1827. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Emeline A., Aug. 17, 1839. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Israel P., ----, 1827. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, James W., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Joshua, ----, 1796. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Joshua F., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Mary, ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Sarah W., ----, 1796. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Sarah W., ----, 1831. G.R.3.
- MAGOUN, Sarah W., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
- MAGURN, Harriet [----], w. of ----, ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- MAHLMANN, William H., Aug. 11, 1806. G.R.3.
- MAHONY, Isabella [----], w. of James, ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MAHONY, James, ----, 1814. G.R.3.
- MAHONY, Eliza, sister of William H., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MAHONY, James Semple, Mar. 21, 1818. G.R.3.
- MAHONY, William H., Mar. 18, 1830. G.R.3.
- MAHRENHOL, August, Mar. 17, 1847. G.R.3.
- MAINE, Anna E., d. of Sebeus C. and Julia O., Aug. 2, 1844.
- MAINE, Frank N., Aug. 27, 1849. G.R.3.
- MAINE, Will S. B., s. of Sebeus C. and Julia O., Sept. 29, 1846.
- MAIR (see Mairs)
- MAIR, George W., ----, 1816. G.R.2.
- MAIR, Kate A., ----, 1836. G.R.2.
- MAIR, Lucretia L. [----], w. of George W., ----, 1818. G.R.2.
- MAIR, Peter, ----, 1808. G.R.2.
- MAIR, Samuel, ----, 1833. G.R.2.
- MAIR, Sophronia [----], w. of Peter, ----, 1812. G.R.2.
- MAIRS (see Mair)
- MAIRS, Elizabath, d. of Adolphus and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1849.
- MAKANT, Sarah Ann [----], w. of William, Feb. 9, 1840. G.R.3.
- MAKECHNIE, Sarah A. H. Moore, ----, 1833. G.R.3.
- MAKER, Helen Louisa, Feb. 24, 1843. G.R.3.
- MAKER, John Crosby, Dec. 20, 1837. G.R.3.
- MALCOLMSON, John B., Capt., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MALLON, Gad H., July 25, 1807. G.R.3.
- MALOON, S. Davis, Feb. 7, 18623. G.R.3.
- MALOON, Sarah J. [----], w. of S. Davis, June 16, 1827. G.R.3.
- MALOT, John H., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MALOT, Mary E., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MALTBY, Charles B., Jan. 5, 1838. G.R.3.
- MANAHAN (see Monahan)
- MANAHAN, James, s. of Peter and Catherine, June 16, 1846.
- MANEGAN (see Monagan)
- MANEGAN, Edward, s. of James and Catherine, Jan. 19, 1847.
- MANN, Charles H., Aug. 11, 1846. G.R.3.
- MANN, Eben, Mar. 28, 1812. G.R.3.
- MANN, George F., Dec. 23, 1840. G.R.3.
- MANN, Mary Albee [----], w. of Eben, Dec. 31, 1809. G.R.3.
- MANNDER, George W., ----, 1816. G.R.3.
- MANNDER, Julia A., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MANNDER, Julia M., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MANNING, Charles B., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MANNING, John A., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MANNING, Melvina [----], w. of Charles B., ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MANSFIELD, Alfred D., Feb. 12, 1823. G.R.3.
- MANSFIELD, Maggie S. [----], w. of ----, Oct. 20, 1844. G.R.3.
- MANSFIELD, Sophia J. [----], w. of Alfred D., May 29, 1836. G.R.3.
- MANSON, Eliza Emerson Vance [----], w. of Thomas Lincoln, Apr. 27, 1824. G.R.3.
- MANSON, Elizabeth Tower, ----, 1825. G.R.3.
- MANSON, Samuel Turner, ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- MANSON, Thomas Lincoln, May 29, 1822. G.R.3.
- MARCHINGTON, Joseph P., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- MARCHINGTON, Philip, ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MARCY, James L., s. of James S. and Sophrona, Mar. 15, 1845.
- MARCY, Sarah M., d. of James S. and Sophrona, Jan. 1, 1847.
- MARDEN, ----, d. of Will and Susan C., Oct. 2, 1845.
- MARDEN, David, ----, 1810. G.R.3.
- MARDEN, Jane T., d. of William and Susan C., Dec. 13, 1846.
- MARDEN, Mary A. [----], w. of David, ----, 1817. G.R.3.
- MARDEN, Robert S. G., Dec. 16, 1838. G.R.3.
- MAREEN, Ithamar E., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MARESS, Ann [----], w. of John Joseph, June 30, 1822. G.R.3.
- MARKS, Catherine [----], w. of ----, Nov. 13, 1838. G.R.3.
- MARPLE, Charles H., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MARPLE, Clara W. [----], w. of Charles H., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
- MARPLE, Franklin F., in Charlestown, May 15, 1844. G.R.3.
- MARPLE, Hannah [----], w. of John M., in Charlestown, ----, 1811. G.R.3.
- MARQUAND, Elizabeth [----], w. of Henry, Oct. 16, 1802. G.R.3.
- MARQUAND, Henry, Mar. 20, 1795. G.R.3.
- MARQUAND, James H., Feb. 22, 1831. G.R.3.
- MARQUAND, John S., June 9, 1828. G.R.3.
- MARR, Bridget, Sept. 3, 1822. G.R.3.
- MARSH, Abigail [----], w. of ----, Jan. 27, 1797. G.R.3.
- MARSH, Louisa S. [----], w. of George H., May 29, 1843. G.R.4.
- MARSH, Maria Donna, ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MARSH, Thomas C., ----, 1831. G.R.3.
- MARSH, Warren A., Apr. 18, 1841. G.R.4.
- MARSH, William H., June 29, 1815. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Elijah Jr., Aug. 14, 1788. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Elizabeth [----], w. of Elijah Jr., Sept. 4, 1787. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, James, ----, 1815. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Joseph, ----, 1789. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Leonard, ----, 1809. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Leonard B., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Mary W. [----], w. of Leonard, ----, 1813. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Matilda [----], w. of William, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Phebe B. [----], w. of Joseph, ----, 1787. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Rebecca Irving [----], w. of James, ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Richard, May 10, 1844. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Susan R., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, Susannah [----], w. of Richard, Apr. 9, 1842. G.R.3.
- MARSHALL, William, ----, 1832. G.R.3.
- MARSON, William H., ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MARSTERS, Eliza J., ----, 1840. G.R.4.
- MARSTERS, Joseph D., ----, 1821. G.R.4.
- MARSTON, Daniel W., s. of Samuel M. and Ekizabeth H., Sept. 2, 1845.
- MARSTON, David G., ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- MARSTON, Emma A. Davis [----], w. of David G., ----, 1839. C.R.3.
- MARSTON, John W., Oct. 18, 1835. G.R.3.
- MARSTON, Joseph L., ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- MARSTON, Martha A., d. of Samuel M. and Elizabeth H., Aug. 27, 1847.
- MARTIN, Benjamin, s. of Benjamin T. and Elizabeth S., July 5, 1843.
- MARTIN, Benjamin T., ----, 1815. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Benjamin T., s. of Benjamin T. and Elizabeth S., Jan. 31, 1845.
- MARTIN, Celia Ann, d. of Samuel J., b. in Hancock, Me., and Rachel, b. in Boston, Sept. 5, 1847.
- MARTIN, Clara J., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Cyrene Victoria, d. of Darius A. and Eliza W., Dec. 15, 1848.
- MARTIN, Darius A., ----, 1813. G.R.2.
- MARTIN, E. Gerry, Capt., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Eliza W. [----], w. of Darius A., ----, 1813. G.R.2.
- MARTIN, Elizabeth S. [----], w. of Benjamin T., ----, 1815. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Emeline [----], w. of Ira F., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Frances, ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Hellen, d. of Darias and Eliza W., July 10, 1844.
- MARTIN, Henry, ----, 1823. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Ira F., ----, 1823. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Margaret A. [----], w. of L. R., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Maria T. Marden [----], w. of Capt. E. Gerry, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Mary A., d. of D. A. and Eliza W., Dec. 27, 1845.
- MARTIN, Mercy T. [----], w. of Newhall, July 18, 1805. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Newhall, Aug. 22, 1802. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Rachel W. of Samuel J., ----, 1823. G.R.2.
- MARTIN, Samuel J., ----, 1818. G.R.2.
- MARTIN, Sarah Jane, d. of D. A. and Sarah J., July 17, 1842.
- MARTIN, Sophia [----], w. of Thomas, ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Thomas, ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MARTIN, Virginia, d. of Darius A. and Eliza W., Apr. 3, 1847.
- MARTINSON, Catherine E., ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- MARTINSON, Martin H., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MASON, Alanson P., Rev., Jan. 19, 1813. G.R.3.
- MASON, Ann W., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MASON, Dealia, Oct. 7, 1770. P.R.2.
- MASON, Hale, ----, 1790. G.R.3.
- MASON, Henry, ----, 1806. G.R.3.
- MASON, Henry, Dec. 15, 1838. G.R.3.
- MASON, Henry Jr., ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- MASON, Ida, d. of Charles B. and Susan R., June 18, 1848.
- MASON, J. Otis, ----, 1807. G.R.3.
- MASON, John R., s. of Henry and Julia, July 11, 1847.
- MASON, Julia [----], w. of Henry, ----, 1808. G.R.3.
- MASON, Julia C., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MASON, Lucius F., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MASON, Lucy Lane [----], w. of Hale, ----, 1795. G.R.3.
- MASON, Martha F., June 28, 1822. G.R.3.
- MASON, Paul Curtis, s. of Henry and Julia, Oct. 6, 1849.
- MASON, Phoebe R., ----, 1820. G.R.3.
- MASON, Polly C. [----], w. of J. Otis, ----, 1808. G.R.3.
- MASON, Samuel W., ----, 1824. G.R.3.
- MASON, Sarah A., July 16, 1820. G.R.3.
- MASON, Sarah Mason Peabody [----], w. of Silas, ----, 1813. G.R.3.
- MASON, Sarah R. [----], w. of Rev. Alanson P., ----, 1814. G.R.3.
- MASON, Silas, ----, 1811. G.R.3.
- MASON, Thomas, ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MASON, Will W. E., s. of Will P. and Mary A., Dec. 19, 1847.
- MASON, William J., ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MASSEY, ----, s. of Stephen D. and Lucretia D., Apr. 12, 1847.
- MASSEY, Dudley A., s. of Stephen D. and Lucretia D., Aug. 27, 1843.
- MASTERS, Eliza A. [----], w. of Newton B., ----, 1832. G.R.2.
- MASTERS, Newton B., ----, 1839. G.R.2.
- MATHESON, Isabel, ----, 1825. G.R.3.
- MATHESON, Kenneth, ----, 1789. G.R.3.
- MATHESON, Murdock, Aug. 15, 1827. G.R.3.
- MATHESON, Roderick, ----, 1832. G.R.3.
- MATHESON, Susannah Johnstone [----], w. of Kenneth, ----, 1800. G.R.3.
- MATHEWS (see Matthews)
- MATHEWS, ----, s. of John and Lyida S., June 15, 1844.
- MATHEWS, Annie S., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MATHEWS, Cyrus W., ----, 1848. G.R.3.
- MATHEWS, Retenna, d. of John F. and Frances E., Dec. 29, 1844.
- MATTESON, Daniel, Apr. 15, 1828. G.R.3.
- MATTHEWS (see Mathews)
- MATTHEWS, Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel and Hannah T., June 21, 1848.
- MATTHEWS, Sophia H., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MATTHEWS, William H., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MATTOX, ----, ch. of Henry and Charity, 111th day, 5th mo., 1840.
- MATTOX, Edward, s. of Henry and Mary, Oct. 24, 1848.
- MATTOX, Henry, s. of Henry and Mary, July 22, 1842.
- MATTOX, Isaac, s. of Henry and Mary A., Dec. 20, 1844.
- MATTOX, John, s. of Henry and Mary A., Feb. 21, 1846.
- MATTOX, Margaret, d. of Henry and Charity, 9th day, 9th mo., 1838.
- MAVOR, Thomas R., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MAW, Elizabeth H. [----], w. of John, ----, 1848. G.R.4.
- MAW, John, ----, 1843. G.R.4.
- MAXWELL, James F., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- MAXWELL, John W., ----, 1832. G.R.3.
- MAY, George B., s. of Samuel H. and Mary J., Sept. 4, 1845.
- MAY, Samuel Hunt, s. of Samuel H. and Mary Jane, Apr. 4, 1849.
- MAY, William W., s. of Samuel and Jane, Nov. 16, 1847.
- MAYBERRY (see Mabury, Maybury)
- MAYBERRY, Mary E., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
- MAYBURY (see Mabury, Mayberry)
- MAYBURY, Edwin Daniel, s. of John and Clarissa, Aug. 11, 1848.
- MAYNARD, Almira [----], w. of Joseph, Sept. 11, 1810. G.R.3.
- MAYNARD, Frank H., s. of Francis and Sophia, Oct. ----, 1846.
- MAYNARD, George W., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MAYNARD, Joseph, Apr. 25, 1810. G.R.3.
- MAYNARD, Joseph H., Apr. 3, 1834. G.R.3.
- MAYNARD, Josephine C., Sept. 2, 1836. G.R.3.
- MAYNARD, Sarah E. [----], w. of George W., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Amy Richardson [----], w. of Capt. Franklin, ----, 1825.
- MAYO, Azubah C., ----, 1809. G.R.2.
- MAYO, Charity, Aug. 31, 1828. G.R.4.
- MAYO, Emily K., d. of Joshua C. and Sarah H., July 6, 1849.
- MAYO, Eveline R. [----], w. of Noah, Sept. 21, 1839. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Franklin, Capt., ----, 1812. G.R.3.
- MAYO, George L., Mar. 3, 1826. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Hannah [----], w. of Uriah R., Feb. 13, 1813. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Hannah [----], w. of Hezekiah, ----, 1819. G.R.4.
- MAYO, Helen M. [----], w. of Nathan W., Feb. 1, 1844. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Henry C., s. of Capt. Franklin and Amy Richardson, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Hezekiah, ----, 1819. G.R.4.
- MAYO, Jane H., Mar. 13, 1827. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Joanna H., Dec. 25, 1815. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Lucia Le Baron, in Plymouth, May 15, 1788. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Mercy, Aug. 24, 1817. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Nathan W., Sept. 13, 1835. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Noah, Sept. 19, 1826. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Olive B. [----], w. of George L., Mar. 23, 1826, G.R.3.
- MAYO, Thomas H., ----, 1832. G.R.2.
- MAYO, Timothy L., Aug. 22, 1824. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Uriah R., Sept. 24, 1810. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Watson G., Jan. 26, 1812. G.R.3.
- MAYO, Zeta H., Sept. 18, 1831. G.R.3.
- McALVIN, Lucia [----], w. of William, ----, 1805. G.R.3.
- McALVIN, William, ----, 1790. G.R.3.
- McARTHUR, Robert, Apr. 28, 1812. G.R.3.
- McBAY, Leticia [----], w. of John, Feb. 25, 1843. G.R.3.
- McBAY, Stewart, s. of John and Esther, Jan. 1, 1849.
- McBRIDE, Agnes, in Edinburgh, Scot., ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- McBRIDE, Elizabeth W. [----], w. of William, Dec. 24, 1830. G.R.3.
- McBRIDE, William, Mar. 18, 1822. G.R.3.
- McCANN, Margaret H., d. of John and Ellen H., Nov. 19, 1846.
- McCANN, Mary A. C. (Mary H., dup.), d. of Henry and Jane, Aug. 11, 1843.
- McCARD, Mary M., d. of John and Jane, May 26, 1847.
- McCARTHY, James G., ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- McCAULY, Francis, s. of Edward and Catherine, Dec. 29, 1848.
- McCLANATHAN, Nancy O., d. of Lain, Aug. 15, 1845.
- McCLOUD (see McLeod, McLoud)
- McCLOUD, Betsy, ----, 1772. G.R.3.
- McCLOUD, Elizabeth, ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- McCLOUD, Hannah, ----, 1807. G.R.3.
- McCLURE, Alvin Brackett, ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- McCLURE, Hannah Jane, ----, 1813. G.R.3.
- McCLURE, James Henry, ----, 1846. G.R.3.
- McCLURE, John, ----, 1804. G.R.3.
- McCOMBIE, Anna [----], w. of John, May 8, 1848. G.R.3.
- McCOMBIE, John, Jan. 13, 1844. G.R.3.
- McCONNELL, Alexander, Jan. 15, 1829. G.R.3.
- McCONNELL, Emma F., ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- McCONNELL, James, Apr. 8, 1828. G.R.3.
- McCONNELL, Martha [---], w. of Alexander, Jan. 13, 1829. G.R.3.
- McCONNELL, Rebecca [----], w. of James, Sept. 28, 1827. G.R.3.
- McCONNELL, William, ----, 1827. G.R.3.
- McCONOWAY, John, s. of John and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 31, 1849. Stillborn.
- McCORMACK, Elizabeth [----], w. of James, Apr. 16, 1827. G.R.3.
- McCORMACK, James, July 12, 1827. G.R.3.
- McCORMICK, Elizabeth Hannah, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- McCORMICK, Jane Sampson, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- McCORMICK, William, ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- McCOSKER, Thomas, ----, 1832. G.R.3.
- McCULLOCK, Jessie, Apr. 26, 1824. G.R.2.
- McCURDAY, William, s. of Daniel and Ellen, Apr. 14, 1849.
- McDEED, Thomas, s. of James and Mary, May 25, 1843.
- McDEVITT, James, s. of James and Mary, May 2, 1846.
- McDEVITT, John, s. of John and Rose, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 1, 1849.
- McDEVITT, Thomas, s. of James and Mary, May 28, 1843.
- McDONALD (see MacDonald, McDonnald)
- McDONALD, Eleanor P., ----, 1815. G.R.3.
- McDONALD, Isaac F., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- McDONALD, James E., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- McDONNALD (see MacDonald, McDonald)
- McDONNALD, Maria R., d. of Rosina, 19th day, 3d mo., 1841.
- McDONNOUGH (see McDonough)
- McDONNOUGH, Ann, d. of Patric and Mary, Nov. ----, 1842.
- McDONNOUGH, John, s. of Patric and Mary, Dec. 15, 1844.
- McDONOUGH (see McDonnough)
- McDONOUGH, John, s. of Patric and Mary, ----, 1843.
- McDONOUGH, Margaret, d. of Patric and Mary, Dec. 12, 1846.
- McDONOUGH, Mary, d. of Patrick and Mary, both b. in Ireland, June 14, 1848.
- McDOUGALL, Donald, ----, 1833. G.R.3.
- McDOUGALL, Lucetta C., ----, 1843. G.R.4.
- McDOWNEY, Thomas, s. of John and Bridget, Jan. 1, 1848.
- McEACHERN, Dougald, ----, 1848. G.R.3.
- McEGAN, Catherine, d. of Murty and Mary, both b. in Ireland, Aug. 10, 1849.
- McFARLAND, Agnes [----], w. of ----, ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- McFARLAND, H. N., May 1, 1810. G.R.3.
- McFARLAND, Lucinda [----], w. of H. N., ----, 1817. G.R.3.
- McFARLAND, William A., Jan. 25, 1822. G.R.3.
- McFARLANE, Eliza, ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- McFARLANE, John, ----, 1818. G.R.3.
- McFARLANE, John A., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- McGEE, Mary A., ----, 1816. G.R.3.
- McGILLOCK, James, s. of John and Eliza, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 1, 1849.
- McGLETHLIN (see McGlothland, McGlothlin, McLaughlin)
- McGLETHLIN, Catherine, d. of Michel and Margaret, May ----, 1842.
- McGLOTHLAND (see McGlethlin, McGlothlin, McLaughlin)
- McGLOTHLAND, John, s. of Patric and Celia, Aug. 15, 1843.
- McGLOTHLIN (see McGlethlin, McGlothland, McLaughlin)
- McGLOTHLIN, Bridget, d. of Oniel and Rosy, Feb. 1, 1846.
- McGLOTHLIN, Bridget, d. of Patric and Mary, Aug. 9, 1846.
- McGLOTHLIN, Ellen, d. of John and Grace, May 5, 1844.
- McGLOTHLIN, Ellen, d. of Michael and Margaret M., Feb. 19, 1845.
- McGLOTHLIN, James, s. of Michael and Margaret, 4th day, 3d mo., 1839.
- McGLOTHLIN, James, s. of Patric and Cecelia, Sept. 12, 1846.
- McGLOTHLIN, Mary, d. of Neal and Rose, Jan. 16, 1843.
- McGLOTHLIN, Thomas, s. of Michael and Margaret, both b. in Ireland, Dec. 12, 1849.
- McGRAY, John E., ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- McGREGOR, David L., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- McGREGOR, Emily W. [----], w. of David L., ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- McILROY, John V., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- McILVAINE, Margaret, d. of David and Mary, both b. in Ireland, June 18, 1849. Born in Charlestown.
- McINTIRE (see McIntyre)
- McINTIRE, Elizabeth G. [----], w. of Lorenzo S., Feb. 11, 1829. G.R.3.
- McINTIRE, Harriet W., d. of T. B. and w. of George L. Barnard, ----, 1830. G.R.2.
- McINTIRE, Lorenzo S., Feb. 20, 1828. G.R.3.
- McINTIRE, Mary A. Freeman [----], w. of Theodore B., Dec. 25, 1798. G.R.2.
- McINTIRE, Porter, s. of Thomas and Caroline, Jan. 17, 1846. Born at Point Shirley.
- McINTIRE, Theodore B., Aug. 9, 1792. G.R.2.
- McINTYRE (see McIntire)
- McINTYRE, Charles D., Apr. 3, 1831. G.R.3.
- McINTYRE, Robert, Capt., ----, 1823. G.R.3.
- McINTYRE, Robert, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- McKAY (see Mackay)
- McKAY, Adaline [----], w. of Nathaniel, ----, 1831. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Alice T., ----, 1843. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Ann [----], w. of Hugh R., ----, 1788. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Benjamin, ----, 1846. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Elizabeth Crogheron, d. of Hugh R. and Ann, ----, 1809. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Harriet N., ----, 1823. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Hugh R., ----, 1788. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Martha [----], w. of ----, ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- McKAY, Nathaniel, Mar. 2, 1832. G.R.3.
- McKEE, Amelia, d. of Jesse and Mary, ----, 1845. G.R.2.
- McKEE, Anna, d. of Jesse and Mary, ----, 1849. G.R.2.
- McKEE, George, Feb. 21, 1841. G.R.3.
- McKEE, Jesse, ----, 1818. G.R.2.
- McKEE, Mary [----], w. of Jesse, ----, 1824. G.R.2.
- McKENNA, Catherine [----], w. of ----, Dec. 25, 1830. G.R.3.
- McKENNA, John M., s. of John and Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Oct. 26, 1849.
- McKENZIE (see Mackenzie)
- McKENZIE, Moses H., July 4, 1846. G.R.3.
- McKEY, William Richard, Feb. 14, 1840. G.R.3.
- McKIBB, Bridgett, d. of James and Mary, Mar. 2, 1846.
- McKIE, John A., ----, 1846. G.R.3.
- McKIE, Sarah A. [----], w. of William, Nov. 27, 1838. G.R.3.
- McKIE, William H., Jan. 30, 1827. G.R.3.
- McKINNON, John, May 20, 1839. G.R.3.
- McKINNON, Mary Wallace [----], w. of John, Aug. 30, 1834. G.R.3.
- McLAIN (see McLean)
- McLAIN, Martha, Mar. 4, 1828. G.R.2.
- McLAREN, Daniel, ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- McLAUGHLIN (see McGlethlin, McGlothland, McGlothlin)
- McLAUGHLIN, Ann, d. of Patrick and Mary, July 28, 1848.
- McLAUGHLIN, Bridget, d. of Niel and Rose, May 19, 1848.
- McLAUGHLIN, Daniel, s. of Phillip and Catherine, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 1, 1849.
- McLEAN (see McLain)
- McLEAN, Alexander, ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, Allan Jr., Dec. 5, 1832. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, Duncan, ----, 1811. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, Joanna [----], w. of ----, Oct. 27, 1831. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, John M., ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, Mary A. [----], w. of John M., ----, 1833. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, Mary Cecilia, ----, 1823. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, Mary O., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, Sarah A., Apr. 7, 1821. G.R.3.
- McLEAN, William J., Apr. 27, 1838. G.R.3.
- McLELLAN (see MacClellan)
- McLELLAN, Edward, ----, 1801. G.R.3.
- McLELLAN, Lucia F., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
- McLELLAN, Rebecca S. Cleveland [----], w. of Edward, ----, 1814. G.R.3.
- McLENNAN, Donald of Halifax, N.S., ----, 1786. G.R.3.
- McLEOD (see McCloud, McLoud)
- McLEOD, Edward, ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- McLEOD, H. G., Jan. 1, 1844. G.R.3.
- McLEOD, John G., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- McLOUD (see McCloud, McLeod)
- McLOUD, Eunice M. [----], w. of John, Nov. 8, 1830. G.R.3.
- McLOUD, John, Feb. 15, 1819. G.R.3.
- McMELLEN, Sarah, d. of Joseph and Rosanna, Mar. 26, 1846.
- McMINN, Charlotte A., ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- McNALLY, Margaret, ----, 1843. G.R.3.
- McNEAR, Emily M., d. of Baker and Mary, Jan. 6, 1847.
- McNEIL, Amy A. [---], w. of John, ----, 1825. G.R.2.
- McNEIL, George, ----, 1824. G.R.4.
- McNEIL, John, ----, 1826. G.R.2.
- McPHALL (see McPhaill)
- McPHALL, John A., Jan. 14, 1833. G.R.3.
- McPHAILL (see McPhail)
- McPHAILL, James G., Capt., ----, 1823. G.R.3.
- McQUARRY, Agnus, Sept. 17, 1825. G.R.3.
- McQUARRY, Phebe A., Jan. 5, 1832. G.R.3.
- MEAD, Charles E., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MEAD, Cornelia W., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MEAD, Cynthia A. [----], w. of Nathaniel J., ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- MEAD, Nathaniel J., ----, 1833. G.R.3.
- MEADER, Bartlett D., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MEADER, Ellen [----], w. of Bartlett D., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MEADOWS, Jesse A., ----, 1831. G.R.3.
- MEADOWS, Sarah A. [----], w. of Jesse A., ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- MEANS, Ada C., ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- MEANS, Elizabeth A., ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- MEANS, George F., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MEANS, Judith B., ----, 1813. G.R.3.
- MEANS, Mark D., Capt., ----, 1810. G.R.3.
- MEEMS, Pleasant, ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- MEIERS, Elizabeth [----], w. of George J., June 30, 1827. G.R.3.
- MEIERS, George J., July 24, 1829. G.R.3.
- MEIGS, Flora, ----, 1818. G.R.3.
- MELLEN, Mary A., Oct. 10, 1799. G.R.3.
- MELVILLE, Caroline, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MELVILLE, George W., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MELVILLE, S. Elizabeth, ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MELVILLE, Sarah Jane [----], w. of George W., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, Emma A., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, Emma S. [----], w. of F. P., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, Frank E., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, George C., ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, Joanna [----], w. of ----, ----, 1798. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, John A., ----, 1833. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, Maria L., ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- MELVIN, Theodore A., ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- MENDELL, Charles H., Aug. 25, 1839. G.R.3.
- MENNER, Mathias, anglicized Matthias Miner, in Merdungen, near Freyburg, Grand Duchy of Baden, Ger., Feb. 19, 1817. G.R.3.
- MEOLUA, Edward, s. of Owen and Rosanna, Mar. 31, 1844.
- MERCER, Edwin, ----, 1827. G.R.3.
- MEREDITH, Francis, ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- MEREDITH, Hannah W. [----], w. of Francis, ----, 1832. G.R.3.
- MERIAM (see Merriam)
- MERIAM, ----, s. of ----, Nov. 31 (sic), 1844.
- MERIAM, Emily F., d. of Otis and Harriet N., Nov. 23, 1846.
- MERIAM, Georgianna, d. of Henry L. (Ezra L. in pencil) and Eliza B., Dec. 6, 1846.
- MERIAM, Mary J., d. of William N. and Abigail M., Sept. 22, 1846.
- MERIAM, Warren L., s. of Liberty and Lucinda, Aug. 12, 1846.
- MERRIAM (see Meriam)
- MERRIAM, Charles A., s. of Otis and Harriet, 29th day, 4th mo., 1841.
- MERRIAM, Daniel B., ----, 1848. G.R.3.
- MERRIAM, Harriet N. [----], w. of Otis, ----, 1816. G.R.3.
- MERRIAM, Judson Tbrry, s. of Liberty and Lucinda, Apr. 13, 1849.
- MERRIAM, Mary E. [----], w. of Charles A., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MERRIAM, Otis, ----, 1810. G.R.3.
- MERRIAM, Samuel N., s. of William N. and Abigail, 14th day, 12th mo., 1841.
- MERRICK, Lucy S., ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- MERRICK, Otis S., Aug. 31, 1816. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Achsah F. [----], w. of Charles B., ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Anna E., d. of Charles B. and Eudora A. J., Sept. 14, 1847.
- MERRILL, Charles Theodore, s. of Theodore E. and Martha Jane, May 6, 1845. Born in Boston.
- MERRILL, Charles W., July 7, 1846. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Diana French, Sept. 18, 1813. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Elias T., ----, 1803. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Eliza A. [----], w. of Horace, ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Elvira A. [----], w. of James M., Aug. 15, 1823. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Eudora J. [----], w. of Charles B., ----, 1816. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Frank H., s. of Theodore C. and Martha J., Nov. 19, 1846.
- MERRILL, Harry Gordon, s. of Theodore C. and Martha Jane, Jan. 31, 1849.
- MERRILL, Harum, Feb. 3, 1811. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Horace, ----, 1814. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Israel H., in Freeport, Me., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, James M., June 10, 1819. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Joseph H. Addison, July 12, 1821. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Lemuel, ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Mary A., July 8, 1814. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Mary F. P., Feb. 28, 1808. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Richard W., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MERRILL, Susan H. [----], w. of Frank S., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MERRIMAN (see Meryman)
- MERRIMAN, H. G. O., ----, 1815. G.R.3.
- MERRIMAN, Irene O. [----], w. of H. G. O., ----, 1818. G.R.3.
- MERRITT, D. W., Dec. 20, 1841. G.R.3.
- MERRITT, Emily P. Lawrence [----], w. of Henry W., Feb. 1, 1836, G.R.3.
- MERRITT, Henry W., Dec. 19, 1835. G.R.3.
- MERRITT, J. Warren, ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MERRITT, Jefferson D., ----, 1841, G.R.3.
- MERRITT, Martha A. B. [----], w. of J. Warren, ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MERYMAN (see Merriman)
- MERYMAN, Jacob, Capt., in Harpswell, Me., Oct. 25, 1807. G.R.2.
- MERYMAN, Joseph B., in Portland, Me., May 25, 1842. G.R.2.
- MESERVE, John S., ----, 1827. G.R.3.
- MESERVE, Pamelia E. [----], w. of John S., ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- MESERVE, Ruth M. [----], w. of John S., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MESERVE, Sally P. [----], w. of ----, June 16, 1799. G.R.3.
- MESSENGER, Lydia M., Sept. 26, 1838. G.R.3.
- MESSTER, Henry, ----, 1808. G.R.3.
- MESSTER, Henry, May 1, 1839. G.R.3.
- MESSTER, Mary Ann, ----, 1818. G.R.3.
- METCALF, George W., ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- METCALF, Hannah F. McCausland [----], w. of Simeon M., in Hallowell, Me., Jan. 24, 1823. G.R.3.
- METCALF, Mary H. [----], w. of George W., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- METCALF, Simeon M., in Zanesville, O., Sept. 28, 1818. G.R.3.
- MEYER, Frank, Oct. 15, 1844. G.R.3.
- MILBERRY, Margaret J., w. of Edwin H., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MILKE, Amanda M. [----], w. of August, May 20, 1828. G.R.3.
- MILKE, August, Aug. 2, 1832. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Alexander A., Aug. 28, 1832. G.R.4.
- MILLER, Caroline F., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Charles N., in Rochester, N.Y., Feb. 19, 1834. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Charles W., ----, 1838. G.R.2.
- MILLER, Elizabeth G., ----, 1823.
- MILLER, Frederic J., ----, 1833. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Lizzie [----], w. of William B., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Lyman M., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Mary A. [----], w. of Saliman, ----, 1805. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Mary A. w. of John, ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Mary E. [----], w. of Lyman M., ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Saliman, ----, 1808. G.R.3.
- MILLER, Stephen W., Jan. 13, 1813. G.R.3.
- MILLER, William H., ----, 1822. G.R.3.
- MILLET, Morris, s. of Joseph and Mary, bp. Sept. 20, 1761. C.R.1.
- MILLIKEN, J. Edwin, ----, 1848. G.R.3.
- MILLIKEN, John J., ----, 1813. G.R.3.
- MILLIKEN, Mary Jane, 3d d. of John of St. Stephen, N.B., and w. of George Sherman of Boston, in Campobello, N.B., Nov. 16, 1826. G.R.3.
- MILLIKEN, Nancy P., ----, 1814. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Abigail, May 15, 1815. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Abigail S., Oct. 14, 1793. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Alicia Honor Bisset [----], w. of Frederick James, in S. Africa, May ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Annie Howe, ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Edith Bisset, Aug. 21, 1849. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Elisha, ----, 1810. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Eliza B. [----], w. of George W., May 4, 1845. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Frederick A., ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Frederick James, in Suffolk, Eng., Jan. 11, 1825. G.R.3.
- MILLS, George W., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Hannah E. [----], w. of Joseph E., ----, 1831. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Henry F., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Isaac Bonney, Dec. 7, 1826. G.R.3.
- MILLS, James L., Aug. 11, 1798. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Joseph E., ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Margaret M., Oct. 29, 1802. G.R.3.
- MILLS, Richard A., ----, 1823. G.R.4.
- MILLS, William F., ----, 1814. G.R.3.
- MILLS, William N., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MILTON, Elizabeth Snow (Slade) [----], w. of George B., and formerly w. of Levi Slade, ----, 1824. G.R.3.
- MINER, Phylis Redpath, ----, 1835. C.R.3.
- MINK, Susan Ellen Mahony [----], w. of Oliver W., May 5, 1846. G.R.3.
- MIRICK (see Myrick)
- MIRICK, Harriet Elizabeth, May 8, 1827. G.R.3.
- MISENER, Edward, Jan. 24, 1842. G.R.3.
- MISENER, Harriet A. [----], w. of Edward, Feb. 23, 1843. G.R.3.
- MISKELLY, James, ----, 1808. G.R.3.
- MISKELLY, Mary B. [----], w. of James, ----, 1805. G.R.3.
- MITCHEL (see Mitchell)
- MITCHEL, George L., s. of Lyman and Huldah, 14th day, 2d mo., 1839.
- MITCHEL, Robert, s. of Lyman and Huldah, 10th day, 3d mo., 1841.
- MITCHELL (see Mitchel)
- MITCHELL, Alanson, Aug. 3, 1790. G.R.3.
- MITCHELL, Alexander, ----, 1831. G.R.3.
- MITCHELL, Charles W., s. of Lyman and Huldah, Oct. 2, 1848.
- MITCHELL, George Edwin, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MITCHELL, Henry L., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MITCHELL, James D., in Scotland, July 25, 1825. G.R.3.
- MITCHELL, Mary Ann Davey, Oct. 13, 1797. G.R.3.
- MITCHELL, Olive M., d. of Lyman and Hulda, Feb. 7, 1844.
- MITCHELL, Prudence B., ----, 1832. G.R.3.
- MITCHELL, W. Helen, ----, 1843. G.R.3.
- MODEE, Adolph J., ----, 1835. G.R.3.
- MOFFAT, Elijah, ----, 1780. G.R.3.
- MOFFAT, Janet P. [----], w. of Elijah, ----, 1784. G.R.3.
- MOFFAT, Richardson, s. of Elijah and Jannet P., ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- MOFFAT, Sarah S. [----], w. of Richardson, ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- MOIN, Edward, s. of Francis and Mary, Apr. 30, 1849.
- MOIR, William, ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- MONAGAN (see Manegan)
- MONAGAN, Francis, s. of James and Catherine, Feb. 8, 1849.
- MONAHAN (see Manahan)
- MONAHAN, Ann, d. of Peter and Catharine, Aug. 18, 1843.
- MONROE (see Munroe)
- MONROE, Amelia, July 10, 1839. G.R.3.
- MONROE, David B., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MONSON, Anna, June 9, 1842. G.R.4.
- MOODY, Adeliade F., d. of Henry D. and Hannah E., May 23, 1845.
- MOODY, Diantha, Oct. 6, 1827. G.R.4.
- MOODY, Henry M., s. of Henry D. and Hannah E., Nov. 23, 1846.
- MOODY, Mary A., ----, 1817. G.R.2.
- MOODY, William Herrick, s. of Henry D. and H. Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1848.
- MOOERS, Frank M., ----, 1848. G.R.2.
- MOON, Jabez, May 31, 1848. G.R.3.
- MOONEY, Catherine J. [----], w. of Capt. James, Oct. 15, 1832. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Abbie F., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Charles H., s. of Hugh K. and Mary A., Aug. 21, 1846.
- MOORE, Charlotte A., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Alonzo, s. of L. V. R. and Mary, Aug. 27, 1843.
- MOORE, David, ----, 1817. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Elizabeth A. [----], w. of James S., ----, 1825. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Elizabeth Davies [----], w. of William, ----, 1824. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Ella Sophia, d. of Hugh K. and Mary Ann, Nov. 13, 1848.
- MOORE, Florretta, d. of Levi V. R. and Mary, Apr. 11, 1845.
- MOORE, Francis L., Aug. 14, 1817. G.R.3.
- MOORE, James M., s. of James M. and Lucy, Dec. 4, 1849.
- MOORE, James S., ----, 1824. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Johanna, ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Martin, ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Mary, ----, 1812. G.R.3.
- MOORE, Mary, d. of Luke and Mary, Apr. 5, 1843.
- MOORE, Mary Ann, June 11, 1823. G.R.4.
- MOORE, Milton, s. of Milton and Rhoda (Dean), Nov. 29, 1840.
- MOORE, Sarah G. [----], w. of Francis L., Dec. 24, 1821. G.R.3.
- MOOREHEAD, Almira Low Brigham [----], w. of James M., Apr. 27, 1832. G.R.3.
- MOOREHEAD, James M., Aug. 21, 1817. G.R.3.
- MORAN, Henry W., ----, 1838.
- MORAN, Mary P., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MORANG, Alexander C., Oct. 21, 1842. G.R.3.
- MORANG, Frances A. [----,-], w. of Alexander C., May 25, 1843. G.R.3.
- MOREE, Mary, d. of Hannah and Solomon, bp. Jan. 29, 1769. C.R.1.
- MORELAND, Enos W., ----, 1826. G.R.3.
- MORETON, Ann [----], w. of Charles, in England, Nov. 15, 1811. G.R.3.
- MORGAN, ----, s. of Bennet and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1845.
- MORGAN, Annie Parker [----], w. of Capt. Charles, June 17, 1845. G.R.3.
- MORGAN, Charles, Capt., July 21, 1843. G.R.3.
- MORGAN, Cora P., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- MORGAN, Dura P., Rev., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- MORGAN, Edward B., Oct. 12, 1844. G.R.3.
- MORGAN, Emma [----], w. of William, ----, 1828. G.R.2.
- MORGAN, Mary S., d. of W. L. and Mary, Mar. 5, 1848.
- MORGAN, Washington, ----, 1846. G.R.3.
- MORINE, Ellen Martha [----], w. of ----, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MORLEY, Anna M. [----], w. of ----, ----, 1813. G.R.3.
- MORLEY, Eleanor J. E. [----], w. of James, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MORLEY, John M., Aug. 18, 1826. G.R.3.
- MORLEY, Martha Campbell [----], w. of John M., Sept. 16, 1829. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Charles, ----, 1824. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Elizabeth G., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Emily, ----, 1843. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Francis C., Dec. 25, 1838. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, George Byron, ----, 1836. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Lewis W. ----, 1793. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Lurena L. [----], w. of Thomas, ----, 1815. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Mary [----], w. of Lewis W., ----, 1794. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Mary Ann [----], w. of Charles, ----, 1825. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Mary E. Bertram [----], w. of George E., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Mary F., ----, 1846. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Oscar F., ----, 1820. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Survina D., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- MORRILL, Thomas, ----, 1810. G.R.3.
- MORRIS, Daniel, ----, 1821. G.R.4.
- MORRIS, Elsie B., ----, 1824. G.R.4.
- MORRIS, James, s. of William L. and Annie K., ----, 1848. G.R.3.
- MORRIS, John, Aug. 15, 1822. G.R.3.
- MORRIS, Mary E. [----], w. of Isaac, ----, 1823. G.R.3.
- MORRIS, Mason, s. of Robert Jr. and Catherine, Mar. 6, 1849.
- MORRIS, Robert, s. of Robert and Catherine, Feb. 7, 1848.
- MORRIS, Rosanna, May 4, 1829. G.R.3.
- MORRIS, Simon S., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MORRIS, William L., ----, 1820. G.R.3.
- MORRISON, ----, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1842.
- MORRISON, ----, ch. of Robert T. and ----, [1848 or 1849]. Born in Boston.
- MORRISON, Charles K., Mar. 13, 1816. G.R.3.
- MORRISON, Frank E., s. of E. J. and Mary A., July 7, 1847.
- MORRISON, Frank R., ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- MORRISON, John H., Apr. 18, 1841. G.R.3.
- MORRISON, Mary A. [----], w. of Charles K., May 15, 1820. G.R.3.
- MORRISON, Mary A., d. of Elinus J. and Mary A., July 8, 1849.
- MORRISON, Mary W. Taylor [----], w. of Thomas, Oct. 10, 1830. G.R.3.
- MORRISON, Reuben H., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- MORSE (see Morss)
- MORSE, ----, s. of Metcalf and Lucinda, May 6, 1845.
- MORSE, Albert, Apr. 28, 1830. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Alfred, Dec. 25, 1836. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Anna [----], w. of William P., Nov. 14, 1824. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Anne Gage, ----, 1786. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Asa M., Mar. 9, 1830. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Benjamin, s. of Austin and Susan, Oct. 14, 1842.
- MORSE, Bertha J., May 3, 1834. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Charles R., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Christiana D., Oct. 19, 1824. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Darius, s. of Solomon and Hannah, bp. July 26, 1772. C.R.1.
- MORSE, Edmund N., ----, 1793. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Eliza A. [----], w. of Asa M., Oct. 3, 1834. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Eliza A., ----, 1844. G.R.4.
- MORSE, Elizabeth H., ----, 1791. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Emma Kenney, d. of James D. and Elizabeth S., Nov. 3, 1848.
- MORSE, George, ----, 1827. G.R.4.
- MORSE, George A., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Helen Elizabeth, d. of Enoch R. and Isabella, Jan. 23, 1849.
- MORSE, Isabella M., d. of Enoc R. and Isabella, Sept. 24, 1845.
- MORSE, Jerusha B., ----, 1815. G.R.4.
- MORSE, John P., Capt., May 7, 1822. G.R.3.
- MORSE, M. Isabel, ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Mary A. [----], w. of Edwin, ----, 1846. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Mary E., Oct. 16, 1830. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Milan, ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Milan H., ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Sarah A., ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Sarah C. [----], w. of Edmund N., ----, 1800. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Susan M. [----], w. of Alfred, Dec. 25, 1841. G.R.3.
- MORSE, Victoria Kimball, ----, 1839. G.R.3.
- MORSE, William H. H., s. of Edmund N. and Sarah C., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MORSE, William P., Feb. 28, 1824. G.R.3.
- MORSS (see Morse)
- MORSS, Antony S., Apr. 4, 1823. G.R.3.
- MORSS, Lucy Elizabeth [----], w. of Antony S., May 6, 1826. G.R.3.
- MORTON, Mary G. [----], w. of Andrew, July 3, 1804. G.R.3.
- MOTTE, Joseph, Dec. 10, 1811. G.R.3.
- MOTTE, Mary B. [----], w. of Joseph, May 12, 1822. G.R.3.
- MOULTON, Adelaide E. Sampson, ----, 1844. G.R.3.
- MOULTON, Irene A., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MOULTON, Joseph, ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MOULTON, Susan G., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MOY, Hepsabeth C. [----], w. of James W., ----, 1845. G.R.3.
- MUDGE, Caroline Goodridge [----], w. of Rev. Zachariah A., ----, 1818. G.R.3.
- MUIR, Daniel, in Edinburgh, Scot., Feb. 27, 1838. G.R.3.
- MULDONNEY (see Muldonny)
- MULDONNEY, John, s. of John and Bridget, both b. in Ireland, July 4, 1849.
- MULDONNY (see Muldonney)
- MULDONNY, Mary A., d. of John and Bridget, Sept. ----, 1846.
- MULLER, Agnes Lucretia, July 12, 1844. G.R.3.
- MULLET (see Mullett)
- MULLET, Betsy, ----, 1780. G.R.3.
- MULLET, John, ----, 1786. G.R.3.
- MULLET, Lucy Ann, ----, 1818. G.R.3.
- MULLET, Sophia B., ----, 1832. G.R.3.
- MULLETT (see Mullet)
- MULLETT, Alfred B., ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- MULLETT, Charles T., ----, 1811. G.R.3.
- MULLETT, Emily A. [----], w. of John, ----, 1821. G.R.3.
- MULLETT, John, ----, 1816. G.R.3.
- MULLETT, Susan [----], w. of Charles T., ----, 1811. G.R.3.
- MUMLER, Charles H., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MUMLER, Elizabeth H. [----], w. of Charles H., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MUNCH, Augusta Theresa [----], w. of Charles R., ----, 1829. G.R.3.
- MUNCH, Charles R., ----, 1828. G.R.3.
- MUNROE (see Monroe)
- MUNROE, ----, ch. of Francis A. and Sarah J., Dec. 24, 1849.
- MUNROE, Abel B., Mar. 1, 1844. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Charles, ----, 1796. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Cordelia A. [----], w. of William B., Nov. 6, 1846. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Eliza P., Apr. 7, 1820. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, James L., s. of James L. and Phebe C., Aug. 4, 1849.
- MUNROE, John, ----, 1812. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Josiah, ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Jotham E., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Lucinda W. Sylvester [----], w. of John, ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Lydia H. Nickerson [----], w. of Jotham E., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Maria Ellen [----], w. of ----, Apr. 18, 1835. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, Maria Russell, ----, 1801 G.R.3.
- MUNROE, William B., Feb. 2, 1826. G.R.3.
- MUNROE, William F., s. of Francis A. and Jane, July 7, 1847.
- MURDOCK, Caleb, Feb. 16, 1817. G.R.3.
- MURDOCK, David J., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MURDOCK, Julia H., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- MURDOCK, Maria H. [----], w. of Caleb, Dec. 27, 1830. G.R.3.
- MURDOCK, Priscilla L., Feb. 18, 1815. G.R.3.
- MURKELLY, Edward, ----, 1811. G.R.3.
- MURKELLY, Jane Bowers [----], w. of Edward, ----, 1813. G.R.3.
- MURPHY, George L., ----, 1831. G.R.3.
- MURPHY, John, ----, 1814. G.R.3.
- MURPHY, Margaret Ann [----], w. of John, June 13, 1802. G.R.3.
- MURPHY, Mary Lawrence [----], w. of George H., Feb. 10, 1840. G.R.3.
- MURPHY, Thomas, in Boston, Oct. 2, 1825. G.R.3.
- MURPHY, William, ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MURRAY, Margaret A. [----], w. of Robert, Dec. 29, 1830. G.R.3.
- MURRAY, Robert, Nov. 12, 1833. G.R.3.
- MURRAY, William H., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- MUTRIE, James, ----, 1819. G.R.3.
- MUTRIE, Mary, d. of James and Sarah A., Mar. 20, 1846.
- MUZZEY, William A., ----, 1838. G.R.3.
- MYER, Hannah E. [----], w. of Joseph, ----, 1830. G.R.3.
- MYER, Joseph, ----, 1824. G.R.3.
- MYERS, Elizabeth P. [----], w. of ----, Feb. 12, 1836. G.R.3.
- MYRICK (see Mirick)
- MYRICK, Elisha, ----, 1825. G.R.2.
- MYRICK, Sarah A., ----, 1826. G.R.2.