New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Montgomery County, New York Census Records

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Montgomery County was formed in 1772 from Albany County (as Tryon to 1784), County Seat - Fonda.

Montgomery County, New York State Census Records:
Montgomery State Census Records were completed for the following years, 1825, 1835, 1845, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, 1905, 1915, 1925, and are reasonably intact.

Montgomery County New York Mortality Schedules:
Mortality Schedules were completed in the federal census for the following years, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880. Mortality Schedules were completed in the state census for the following years, 1855, 1865, and 1875.Marriage Records were recorded in the State census for the following years, 1865, 1875.

Montgomery County New York State Census Substitutes:

Montgomery County New York Tax Valuation Lists are one of the most valuable, and most often neglected sources of genealogical information and prove to be a great census substitute. They usually divulge the names of heads of households and other males aged 16 or over and can be used to prove parentage when no other records are available. Tax lists place individuals in a particular place at a particular time and indicate the type and amount of property owned. See The Beginner's Guide to Using Tax Lists.

Montgomery County State Census Records:

1825 Montgomery County, N.Y. Census

1845 Montgomery County, N.Y. Census

1855 Montgomery County, N.Y. Census

1875 Montgomery County, N.Y. Census

Montgomery County Mortality Schedules:

Montgomery County Substitute Census Records:

Other Montgomery County Records:

Books of Interest:

If you know of a Montgomery County, N.Y. Census link that should be added to this list, please submit it to: add a link

[ New York State Census Records ]