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Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

Revolutionary War Graves of Soldiers
Buried in Franklin County, Vermont

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Revolutionary War Graves of Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Franklin County, Vermont whose graves have been officially reported, located or marked, by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Please Note: This is a work in progress and we are adding new information and records on a regular basis. if you don't find what you are looking for keep checking back. There is much more data on these soldiers that will be added in the near future.

Revolutionary SoldierBuried
Alexander, Philip Bay Cemetery, St. Albans, VT.
Andrus, Joseph Berkshire Center Cemetery, Berkshire, VT
Babcock, Elias Berkshire
Bailey, Daniel Fletcher
Baker, Jacob Enosburg
Barber, Job L. Berkshire
Barlow, Aaron Bakersfield
Barnes, Joshua Bakersfield
Barsha, Peter Swanton
Bartlett, Elisha Georgia
Bartlett, Samuel Georgia
Beals, Adam St. Albans
Beardsley, Whitmore Fairfield
Beeman, Briar Fairfax
Bellows, James Fairfax
Blaisdell, Philip Fairfax
Boyd, William Enosburg
Bridges, Haclatiah St. Albans
Briggs, Josiah Fairfield
Brigham, Paul St. Albans
Brooks, Azariah Swanton
Brooks, Eleazer Swanton
Brooks, Hananiah St. Albans
Brooks, Hananiah Swanton
Brush, Josiah Fairfax
Brush, Josiah Swanton
Burr, Jabez Fairfield
Campbell, Henry Fletcher
Carlton, Enoch Richford
Chamberlainm, Ebenezer Sheldon
Chamberlin, Ebenezer Highgate
Church, Samuel St. Albans
Clapp, John, Lieut. Montgomery
Clapp, Joshua, Capt. Montgomery
Cleveland, Oliver Fairfield
Cline, Anthony Fairfax
Colburn, John, Serg't Fairfield
Cook, Archibald Fairfax
Cragie, William Enosburg
Crissey, James Fairfax
Cross, Joseph Fairfax
Cushman, Frederick Georgia
Danforth, Jonat'n, Capt. Georgia
Danforth, Samuel Fletcher
Danow, Arthur Berkshire
Darling, Levi Berkshire
Delaney, John St. Albans
Denio, Seth Enosburg
Duclos, Francis, Lieut. Sheldon
Dunham, Ebenezer Enosburg
Durkee, Barth., Capt. Sheldon
England, Stephen Fairfax
Fairbanks, Abel Fairfield
Farnsworth, Asa Fairfax
Farnsworth, James Fairfax
Farnsworth, Jonathan Bakersfield
Farnsworth, Oliver Fairfax
Farwell, Oliver Fairfax
Faxon, E. Fairfax
Foster, Paige Bakersfield
Gates, John St. Albans
Gates, Paul Franklin
George, Jonathan Fairfax
Gibbs, Isaac, Serg't St. Albans
Gilbert, Elim Sheldon
Goff, Hezekiah Richford
Goodrich, Edmund Fairfax
Hall, James Enosburg
Hawkins, Jabez Fairfield
Heath, Phineas, Capt. Berkshire
Higgins, Uriah Sheldon
Hoisington, Bliss Montgomery
Holden, Isaac Lieut. St. Albans
Holdridge, Ithiel St. Albans
Holmes, Stephen Fairfax
Howard, Stephen Fairfax
Isham, William St. Albans
Janes, Jonathan St. Albans
Jay, Arad Fairfax
Johnson, John E. Highgate
Jones, Daniel Richford
Joyal, John B. Swanton
Keeler, Hezekiah St. Albans
Keeler, James Fairfax
Keep, Leonard, Maj. Franklin
Keith, Ruel Sheldon
Keyes, Stephen, Col. St. Albans
Keyes, Zelda Fairfax
Laflin, Abram Georgia
Lamb, Joseph Sheldon
Larrabee, William Berkshire
Leach, Ephraim Enosburg
Libbey, Job Enosburg
Lovegrove, Hampton Fairfax
Lovewell, Robert St. Albans
Major, Jonathan Fairfax
Majors, George Fairfax
Marvin, Ebenezer, Col. Franklin
Meigs, Benjamin, Story, Serg't Highgate
Meigs, Daniel B. St. Albans
Merrill, Amos Maj. St. Albans
Merrill, Jedediah Fairfax
Merrill, Joseph Fairfax
Miller, James Enosburg
Mitchell, John B. Fairfield
Montague, Rufus Fletcher
Morehouse, Matthew Highgate
Munsil, Thomas L. Fletcher
Murray, Nathan Fairfax
Nutting, David, Capt. Berkshire
Osgood, Josiah Fairfield
Page, Phinehas Fairfield
Parker, Abel Georgia
Parker, Elisha, Maj. Bakersfield
Parson, Medad Fairfield
Pattee, Loammi Georgia
Peckham, Josiah Sheldon
Perley, John Berkshire
Perley, John Enosburg
Pierce, Abel, 2nd Georgia
Pond, Ezekiel Berkshire
Post, William Georgia
Potter, Noel St. Albans
Pratt, John Swanton
Priest, Philip Fairfield
Record, Nathan Highgate
Richardson, Israel Fairfax
Ripley, John A. Montgomery
Roberts, Lemuel, Capt. Franklin
Rood, Briggs Fletcher
Rood, Brigham Fairfax
Ross, Zepheniah St. Albans
Royce, Stephen, , Maj. Berkshire
Safford Fairfax
Safford, Silas Fairfield
Scott, Ethiel Georgia
Searles, Benjamin B. Berkshire
Shaw, Elisha Berkshire
Sheldon, Elisha Sheldon
Shelters, Philip Highgate
Sherman, Nathaniel Enosburg
Sherwood, Dyer Fairfield
Sisco, William Franklin
Sloan, David Sheldon
Smith, Elisha Sheldon
Stannard, Joseph Georgia
Starkweather, Joseph Fairfax
Stearns, Benjamin Sheldon
Stebbins, Ebenezer Sheldon
Stevenson, James Franklin
Stickney, Thomas Fairfax
Story, Francis Fairfield
Story, Jacob Fairfax
Todd, Samuel Swanton
Todd, Samuel St. Albans
Towle, Reuben Franklin
Turner, Bates St. Albans
Wade, Joshua Montgomery
Ward, Bernard Fairfax
Warner, John Capt. St. Albans
Warner, Truman St. Albans
Webster, Isaac Fairfax
Whitmore, Edward Berkshire
Wilkins, Robert Fairfax
Williams, Benjamin, Maj. Enosburg
Wilson, Oscar Fairfield
Wood, Gideon Sheldon
Wood, John Georgia
Wood, Reuben Georgia
Wood, Robert, Capt. Sheldon
Wooster, Benjamin Fairfield

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