1840 Census of Pensioners
Hartford County, Connecticut
June 1, 1840
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The 1840 Hartford County Connecticut Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the act for taking the sixth census.
Hartford - City Pensioners | ||
Name | Age | Head of family with whom residing |
Isaac Bliss | 80 | Isaac Bliss |
Amos Ransom | 80 | Amos Ransom |
Elizabeth Seymour | 74 | Elizabeth Seymour |
Susanna Dodd | 84 | Susanna Dodd |
Elizabeth Kilborn | 86 | Elihu Denslow |
Martha Sedgewick | 90 | Charles Burr |
Isaac Spencer | 80 | Isaac Spencer |
Hepsebah Knowles | 70 | Heppy Knowles |
Catharine Putnam | 84 | George Sumner |
Abner Squires | 78 | Abner Squires, jr. |
Rebecca Wilcox | 77 | Rebecca Roberts |
Joel Carter | 75 | Joel Carter |
Jonathan Olcott | 82 | Jonathan Olcott |
Nathaniel Hooker | 79 | Nathaniel Hooker |
Oliver Clapp | 80 | Betsey Clapp |
Jacob Sargent | 70 | Jacob Sargent |
Mary Kingsbury | 78 | Mary Kingsbury |
Silas Fuller | 65 | Silas Fuller |
Sarah Wickham | 79 | James S. Wickham |
Hartford Pensioners - Limits excepted | ||
Simon Wells | 86 | Simon Wells |
Amny Mix | 82 | Amny Mix |
Lucy Sedgewick | 67 | William Sedgewick |
Abigail Whitman | 77 | Abigail Whitman |
Abijah Flagg | 85 | Abijah Flagg |
Mahetible Hurlburt | 74 | Roswall Hurlbut |
Ruth Elmer | 78 | Oliver S. Elmer |
John W. Smith | 56 | John W. Smith |
Frederick Lord | 80 | Frederick Lord |
Abigail Anderson | 81 | Jesse B. Bull |
Theodore Spencer | 81 | Theodore Spencer |
Weathersfield Pensioners | ||
Jemima Filley | 84 | Hiram E. Stoddard |
Mary Belden | 76 | Mary Belden |
Richard Belden | 78 | Richard Belden |
Marian Ackley | 76 | John Flint |
Deborah Goodrich | 72 | Allen Robins |
John Kilby | 79 | James Hurlbut, 2nd. |
William Wolcott | 86 | William Wolcott |
Bezaleel Thrasher | 82 | Bezaleel Thrasher |
Mary Dickinson | 88 | Joseph Wright |
Abigail Wright | 84 | Abigail Wright |
George Aboy | 78 | Elisha R. Wells |
Joseph Stillman | 79 | Harriet Stillman |
Abigail Woodhouse | 80 | Abigail Woodhouse |
Mary Belden | 82 | Erastus F. Cook |
Lucy Wilcox | 80 | Lucy Wilcox |
Elisha Williams | 81 | Stephen Francis |
Thede Hale | 86 | Simeon Hale |
Rebecca May | 83 | Sylvester May |
Anice Cook | 82 | Talcott A. Arnold |
Ichabod Goodrich | 81 | Jasper Goodrich |
Gideon Goff | 79 | Gideon Goff |
Calvin Chapin | 76 | Calvin Chapin |
Hezekiah Whitmore | 84 | Hezekiah Whitmore |
Thomas Holmes | 84 | Thomas Holmes |
Berlin Pensioners | ||
Lucy Dickenson | 69 | Lucy Dickinson |
Abijah Porter | 83 | Abijah Porter |
Levi North | 80 | Levi North |
Seth Savage | 84 | Amasa Savage |
Selah Savage | 81 | Selah Savage |
Phebe Norton | 71 | Henry Norton |
Hezekiah Hart | 82 | Mary Meriman |
------ Bunnel | 83 | Luther Stocking |
Ruth Hart | 98 | Lucy Hartford |
Jabez Cowles | 84 | Jabez Cowles |
Grace Elton | 83 | James Elton |
Giles Curtiss | 85 | Giles Curtiss |
Sarah Riley | 87 | D. Buckley |
Daniel Galpin | 83 | Daniel Galpin |
Hannah Palmer | 79 | Peter Jacocks |
Esther Judd | 82 | Henry Judd |
Elijah Francis | 80 | Elijah Francis |
John Bunnel | 81 | Alfred Baley |
Lois Carter | 82 | Benjamin Hart |
Hooker Gilbert | 88 | Hooker Gilbert |
Hannah Hooker | 79 | Seth Hooker |
Hannah Hooker | 78 | George Cornwall |
Sarah Hart | 71 | Horace Hart |
Fidelia Bronson | 77 | Theodore Bronson |
Rhoda Andrews | 83 | Selah Andrews |
Elizabeth Mugs | 84 | Thomas Lee |
Sarah Morse | 83 | William Morse |
Southington Pensioners | ||
Samuel Hitchcock | 83 | Samuel Hitchcock |
Josiah Boot | 87 | Betsey Buck |
Elthir Carter | 78 | Elihu Carter |
Julia Tyler | 80 | Julia Tyler |
Ichabod C. Frisby | 79 | Ichabod C. Frisby |
Channey Lewis | 79 | Channey Lewis |
Caleb Ray | 82 | Jared Stephens |
Daniel Pardu | 77 | Daniel Pardu |
Suffield Pensioners | ||
Phebe Allen | 79 | Ambrose Bemont |
Jacob Cooper | 77 | Judah Cooper |
Silas Dewey | 79 | Silas Dewey, jr. |
Ebenezer Chaplain | 90 | Ebenezer Chaplain |
Jehiel Harmon | 79 | Jehiel Harmon |
Ezra Hanchell | 81 | Ezra Hanchell |
John K. Kent | 81 | John K. Kent |
Rosanna Miller | 77 | John Miller |
Elizabeth Phelps | 77 | Elizabeth Phelps |
Moses Bliss | 87 | Henry A. Pikes |
Gideon Sikes | 87 | Gideon Sikes |
John Warner | 84 | Rwoland Taylor |
Richard Warner | 79 | Richard Warner |
Enfield Pensioners | ||
Lydia Abbey | 75 | Lydia Abbey |
Mary Chaffee | 81 | Samuel Chaffee |
Calvin Squires | 76 | John S. Davis |
Roxannah Gowdy | 68 | Henry Gowdy |
Windsor Buker | 82 | Austin King |
Ebenezer Prior | 95 | Ebenezer Prior |
John Pease | 87 | John Pease |
Abigail Pease | 86 | Heber Pease |
Simeon Pease | 82 | Simeon Pease |
Betsey Thompson | 69 | Betsey Thompson |
East Windsor Pensioners | ||
Arnold Allen | 71 | Arnold Allen |
Thomas Bissell | 82 | Thomas Bissell |
Catherine Bowers | 79 | Cyrus Bowers |
Roger Burnham | 79 | Roger Burnham |
Nathaniel Chatman | 58 | Nathaniel Chatman |
Stephen Elmer | 86 | Stephen Elmer |
Eleanor Felley | 82 | Horace Felley |
Gustavus Grant | 81 | Lucius Grant |
Rhoda Eldridge | 82 | John S. Goodale |
Grace Green | 83 | Ashel Green |
Lucy Grant | 79 | Harvey Grant |
Samuel Hunn | 77 | Samuel Hunn |
Zerviah Haden | 94 | Edward Haden |
Ruth Morton | 78 | Ruth Morton |
Hezekiah Munsell | 87 | Hezekiah Munsell |
Jonathan Pasco | 79 | Jonathan Pasco |
Elizabeth Strong | 74 | Hiram Strong |
Mehitable Sloughton | 79 | Mehitable Sloughton |
Flora Sloughton | - | - |
Jerusha Woolcott | 84 | Ursula Skinner |
Elizabeth Skinner | 82 | Elizabeth Skinner |
Eleanor Sloughton | 85 | William Sloughton |
Ephraim Warfield | 70 | Chester Wolcott |
East Hartford Pensioners | ||
Esther House | 81 | Elisha Smith |
Daniel Roberts | 79 | Daniel Roberts |
Timothy Hall | 82 | Timothy Hall |
Lucy Derning | 75 | Abigail Derning |
Russell Treat | 82 | Russel Treat |
Ashbel Warren | 78 | Ashbel Warren |
Lucretia Roberts | 84 | Lucretia Roberts |
Hannah Reynolds | 77 | Hannah Reynolds |
Timothy Anderson | 78 | Norman Anderson |
John Bennett | 78 | J. Hubbard Wellis |
Mary Porter | 74 | Mary Porter |
Abigail Roberts | 89 | Isaac Roberts |
Anna Norton | 83 | Emily Pitkin |
Manchester Pensioners | ||
Mabel Marsh | 77 | Marcus Marsh |
Ashna Symonds | 82 | Ashna Symonds |
Moses Evans | 81 | Moses Evans |
George Buckland | 82 | George Buckland |
David Squire | 81 | Daniel Squire |
Hannah Jacklin | 80 | Henry C. Woodbridge |
Richard Keeney | 75 | Richard Keeney |
Elizabeth McKee | 85 | Elizabeth McKee |
Eleanor Geer | 83 | Joseph Thompson |
Glastonbury Pensioners | ||
Richard Smith | 82 | Jennett Gillett |
Joseph Tyron | 78 | Joseph Tryon |
Azariah Taylor | 82 | Azariah Taylor |
Edward Potter | 81 | Horace Roberts |
Abel Lewis | 79 | Abel Lewis |
Daniel Miles | 89 | Daniel Miles |
Louis House | 77 | Giles House |
Mabel Wright | 73 | Mabel Wright |
James McLean | 85 | Ogden McLean |
Elizabeth Bidwell | 83 | Elizabeth Bidwell |
Mary Fer | 81 | Elijah Sparks |
Marlborough Pensioners | ||
John Uxford | 85 | Gibson W. Uxford |
Ezra Blish | 72 | Ezra Blish |
Granby | ||
Thomas Stevens | 82 | Thomas Stevens |
Ahinoam Holcomb | 80 | Elihu E. Holcomb |
Rebecca Sands | 75 | Rebecca Sands |
Joseph Dyer | 72 | Joseph Dyer |
James Bartholomew | 80 | James C. Bartholomew |
Prudence Smith | 80 | Joseph Smith |
Chole Holcomb | 76 | Ebenezer S. Holcomb |
Samuel Benjamin | 83 | Samuel Benjamin |
Zabina Burr | 88 | Zabina Burr |
Benoni Gillett | 78 | Benoni Gillett |
William Pratt | 89 | William H. Pratt |
Abraham Osborne | 84 | Abraham Osborne |
Ebenezer Godard | 88 | Arsepheus Godard |
Mary Holcomb | 69 | Mary Holcomb |
Samuel Warner | 84 | Samuel Warner |
John O'Brien | 84 | Harry Alky |
John Godard | 81 | Grove Godard |
Ephraim Gillett | 79 | James Gillett |
Chrispus Fox | 84 | Chrispus Fox |
Dudley Hayes | 80 | Dudley Hayes |
Windsor Pensioners | ||
Samuel Woodruff | 80 | Samuel Woodruff |
Phineas Picket | 83 | Phineas Picket |
Eunice Munsell | 86 | Rodney Munsell |
Roswell Miller | 80 | Roswell Miller |
Frederick Chapman | 79 | Delia Wilson |
Elisha N. Sill | 79 | Elisha N. Sill |
Elijah Denslow | 76 | Elijah Denslow |
Elizabeth Stanard | 93 | Eli Wilson |
Abel Barnes | 86 | Lyman Barnes |
Submit Wilson | 74 | Horace Thrall |
Jemima Graham | 85 | Ruth Bartholomew |
Philip Halsey | 80 | Henry Halsey |
Loomis Warner | 83 | Thomas Warner |
Simsbury Pensioners | ||
Loisa Eno | 76 | Chester Eno |
Elijah Griswold | 78 | Elijah Griswold |
John Tyler | 74 | John Tyler |
Joab Wilson | 78 | Chester Roberts |
Obed Higley | 83 | Obed Higley, jr. |
Levi Humphrey | 75 | Levi Humphrey |
Salathel Chapman | 80 | Salathel Chapman |
Abel Case | 84 | Abel Case |
Roswell Noble | 82 | Roswell F. Noble |
Ambrose Hoskins | 78 | Ambrose Hoskins |
Catharine Andrus | 87 | Abigail Andrus |
Esther Slater | 77 | Chauncey Goodrich |
George Cornish | 79 | George Cornish |
Hartland Pensioners | ||
Asa Cowdrey | 82 | James Cowdrey |
Hulda Daniels | 86 | Sterling G. Daniels |
Daniel Bills | 82 | Daniel Bills |
Cleopatra Skinner | 74 | Cleopatra Skinner |
Ebenezer Hoadley | 83 | Ebenezer Hoadley |
Achsah Giddings | 77 | Achsah Giddings |
Affiah Giddings | 69 | Henry Fuller |
Stephen Fuller | 78 | Stephen Goodyear |
Timothy Coe | 79 | Timothy Coe |
John M. Case | 77 | Charles Case |
Thomas Fox | 77 | Thomas Fox |
Timothy Tiffany | 86 | Timothy Tiffany |
Bloomfield Pensioners | ||
Louis Colton | 79 | Samuel Colton |
William Seymour | 79 | Ruel Gridley |
Silas Rowley | 79 | Silas Rowley |
Joseph Millard | 77 | Joseph Millard |
Daniel Hooker | 79 | Daniel Hooker |
Avon Pensioners | ||
Isaac Osborne | 79 | Isaac Osborne |
Thomas F. Bishop | 76 | Thomas F. Bishop |
Rosanna Wilcox | 83 | Josiah A. Wilcox |
Elijah Barnes | 77 | Elijah Barnes |
Canton Pensioners | ||
Sophia Andrus | 76 | Henry Andrus |
Margaret Wright | 69 | Henry J. Wright |
Solomon Ackart | 90 | David Ackart |
Aber Alford | 79 | Aber Alford |
Francis Bacon | 81 | Alvin Bacon |
Elizabeth Barber | 86 | Alson Barber |
Abi Barber | 73 | Miles Foot |
Burlington Pensioners | ||
Oliver Barnes | 92 | Caleb Barnes |
Lois Benham | 85 | Lois Benham |
Ebenezer Benham | 84 | Ebenezer Benham |
Samuel Hotchkiss | 84 | Samuel Hotchkiss |
Lucy Culva | 69 | Nathan Culva |
Bristol Pensioners | ||
Martha Manross | 75 | Elisha Manross |
Elizabeth Gladden | 70 | Elizabeth Gladden |
Anna Bishop | 74 | Anna Bishop |
Farmington Pensioners | ||
Chauncey Royce | 83 | John Royce |
Eunice Eaton | 86 | Gideon Watkins |
Daniel Tilatson | 81 | Edward Tilotson |
Timothy Olmstead | 82 | Clarissa Tryon |
Moses Morse | 89 | Chauncey Morse |
Dorcus Woodruff | 76 | Henry Mygatte |
Christiana Woodruff | 76 | Ephraim Woodness |
Phebe Janes | 73 | Phebe Janes |
Elias Brown | 81 | Elias Brown |
Rhoda Warna | 94 | Sylvester Tubs |
Lydia Sherman | 84 | Johiah Wilcox |
1840 Connecticut Census of Pensioners
Fairfield | Hartford | Litchfield | Middlesex | New Haven | New London | Tolland | Windham